Great or small, young or old, we all have a special place in God’s heart. As His children, we are naturally inclined to honour and sing praise to Him. Serving in ministries is one of the ways to express our love for God.
Church Council 教会执事
The church council is a body of lay delegates elected by the congregation. With a clear vision and mission, they support the pastors in religious instruction, chart the direction and oversee administrative functions of the church.
Mission 宣教
Jesus gives us a great commission in Matthew 28:18-20, asking us to share His love with the world and make disciples of all nations. Actively involved in both local and foreign missions, the church serves whenever there is a need.
耶稣在马太福音 28:18-20 中给了我们一个伟大的使命,要求我们与世人分享祂的爱,并使万民作祂的门徒。教会需积极参与本地和国外的宣教活动,只要有需要,教会就会提供服侍。
Social Concern 社区关怀
“Live life, touch life” – this ministry aims to reach out to those who are in need,
especially the poor and the needy. If serving the community is your calling,
come and join us to share our love with God’s people.
Prayer 祷告
Prayer works wonders; it transcends both physical and spiritual boundaries. In prayer, we are in one with God and other people. We adore, confess, give thanks and supplicate not only for ourselves, but also for the world.
Liturgy 主领
The word “liturgy” derives from Greek, meaning “one who performs a public ceremony or service”. Working closely with the pastor, a liturgist prepares worship celebrations, and leads the congregation in worship and prayer.
“主领 Liturgy” 一词源于希腊语,意思是 “举行公共仪式或服务的人”。主领会与牧师共同合作,预备主日崇拜,带领会众崇拜和祷告。
Worship 敬拜赞美
This ministry consists of song leader, musician team, backup singers, sound crew and projectionist. Leading the congregation into vibrant worship, the worship team transforms the praise and worship service to a sweet smelling fragrance rising up to the Lord.
Hospitality 招待员
The church is the palace of God, and all the members and visitors are the guests of honour. A warm smile, a firm handshake and a pleasant personality are what it takes to welcome everyone to the House of God.
Teller 奉献计算员
All the donations and offerings given by the church members are well accounted for. Tellers count and record the collection before passing it to the church office to be utilized for the advancement of God’s kingdom.
Elders/Seniors 长者
Age is no more than a numerical value. There is never really a time to retire and stop working. Instead, there is always a time to rest and start sharing life experiences and having fellowship. It is just the beginning.
Young Adults 职青
The complexities of working life in the secular world can be daunting and challenging. This ministry brings all the young adults together, teaching, guiding and sharing with each other what it takes to be the light at the workplace.
Youth 青少年
Groomed to be tomorrow’s leaders, the youth is one of the pillars of support for the church. The church needs young blood to sustain the community; the society needs walking testimonies to manifest God’s footprints.
Sunday School 主日学
“Jesus loves the little children / all the children of the world.” This popular hymn displays how God treasures children. Equipped with a figurative palette and paintbrush, teachers help children visualise the beauty of God.
Sectional Leaders Team 各部门主领团队
SLT is a working committee looking out for more active serving members to join us in planning, carrying out and encouraging other members to attend activities. Some of our activities include Sunday Joy whereby talks and workshops are organised and Coffee Fellowship hosted by our brothers and sisters on a voluntary basis.
SLT 是一个事工委员会,并希望有更多活跃的在职人员能够加入我们,一起策划、开展和鼓励其他成员来参加活动。我们的活动有包括欢乐星期天(Sunday Joy),由我们的弟兄姐妹们义务组织的讲座和工作坊以及咖啡团契。
Praise Dance 赞美操
Using dance as an outward expression to honour God, praise dancing is also a synonym for liturgical dance as it embodies all expressions of worship and praise through dance. Dances of rejoicing, praise and celebration all reflect the dancers’ love towards God.
~ We
are born with a purpose, with a vocation to fulfil. Come and discover God’s
calling and serve Him with your talents, gifts and availability. Bless those as
you have been blessed. ~
~ 我们