Our Church 我们的教会
Established in 1973, we are a community church situated in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.
成立于 1973 年,我们是一家社区教会位于吉隆坡蕉赖地区。
Taman Midah Lutheran Church (TMLC) started as a house church at the home of the late Madam Wong Moo Meng, located at Jalan Midah 7, Taman Midah (then commonly known as Bolton Garden).
信义会美达堂最初开始于已故黄慕明老姐妹的家庭教会,位于Jalan Midah 7,美达花园(当时被称为宝顿花园)
Thereon, the Church has gradually grown into a full-size capacity church with a broad spectrum of ministries for Christ. Presently, we have more than 380 active members from our English, Mandarin, and Cantonese services.
从那时起,教会逐渐发展成为一所社区教会,为基督教开展了广泛的事工。目前,我们拥有 380 名活跃的会友。其中包括英语部、中文部和粤语部。
In August 1980, the Church moved into its current building at Jalan Midah 10A. This expansion also marked a historic milestone in establishing a landmark in our Taman Midah neighbourhood.
1980 年 8月,信义会美达堂最终迁至迄今位于 Jalan Midah 10A 的现址。这次扩建也是一个历史性的里程碑,也在我们美达花园社区建立了一个地标。
We are indeed thankful to our Lord that TMLC has been richly blessed over the years with many dedicated brothers and sisters, pastors as well as volunteers.
Reverand Tang Kam Poh (Mandarin Service and Worker-in-Charge), Reverand Dr Lee Chul Woo (English Service) and Pastor Brandon Wong Hao Zhang (Youth Pastor) are the faithful shepherds currently serving at TMLC.
Our Vision 我们的异象
- Glorifying God as a Missional Church to Impact Our Community
- 成为一间宣教型教会去影响社区以此荣耀上帝
Our Mission 我们的使命
- Abiding in God the Father through our obedience in Living out His active Word. 透过顺服与活出圣道联于父上帝。
- Being shaped by the Holy Spirit in both fruit and spiritual gifting. 借着圣灵的果子与恩赐陶造生命。
- In Jesus footsteps, making disciples of various people groups collectively. 跟从耶稣的脚步,使不同人群成为门徒。
- Be responsible for personal spiritual growth, family and those under our care. 对个人的灵命成长、家庭以及委托我们去照顾的人负责。
Our Themes 我们的主题
2021: Know Him & Make Him Known 认识祂,传扬祂
2022: Living Out the Word Of God 活出神的话语
2023: Living In Genuine Koinonia 活出真正的团契
2024: Prayer Makes A Difference 祷告带来改变
2025: Share The Gospel To Anyone, Anywhere, And Anytime 无论何人何时何地都要传福音
2026: Go And Make Disciples Of All Nations 去使万民作门徒
2027: Growing Stronger Through Worship 以敬拜壮大增长

Location 地点